Teach your children the old ways. The seer said to me. Teach them what the runes say. She spoke so bluntly. They need to know how to read the signs She articulated so clearly. To make up their own minds.
Category: Paganism & Wicca
Paganism. Everything from Wicca 101, Witchcraft and the truth about Neo-Paganism will be discussed in this category. Discussion and learning about Pagan views on past lives, reincarnation, Pagan holidays, Pagan conferences, Pagan public rituals, Inner court vs outer court, solitary witch rituals.
The 4 Powers of the Magus – To know
Those of us White Witches have this thing called the Four Powers of the Magus and one of my favorites is To know. Carl Jung referred to something very similar. In my research, I’ve found that most of ‘us’ quote this but we don’t know where this came from. I believe Carl Jung started the idea …

Valkyries – The original angels
Valkryies, the original angels of death, were maidens sent by Odin to choose which soldiers that died on the battlefields were worthy of the journey to Valhalla. They were lead to this great hall by the Valkyries. The rest went to Freya's field.